Raw Spiritual Milk for Seed Oil Christians

In Blogs by Gabriel Render1 Comment

by Pastor Gabriel Render February 4, 2025

Published at Raw Spiritual Milk for Seed Oil Christians – TruthScript / www.truthscript.com

Is That Even Milk?

It’s easy to pick on the obvious charlatans and the deceived masses with regards to spiritual maturity and doctrinal robustness. One needn’t look far to see clips of various abominations being played off as Lord’s Day worship. Zip-lining pastors and circus performance theatrics in black-walled and black-lit worship centers more concerned about rock opera performance than the singing of sound doctrine- these types are what Pastor Matthew Everhard has appropriately titled Worshiptainment. Ask the average pastor in these circles (let alone congregant) to explain basic theological principles or merely to articulate the Gospel in a concise and biblically accurate manner and you will likely be met with emotional appeals, syncretism, and explanations on why their beliefs are about relationship and not religion.

To put it simply, these folks, far from desiring the true meat of God’s word and doctrine are not even getting the milk they need to survive spiritually. We are living in a generation of Seed Oil Christians who have been convinced that their simple, culturally relevant, and modern synthesized package of Christianity is somehow healthier and life sustaining. In reality, a whole generation of Christians are minimally malnourished, and in many cases simply false converts won by a fleeting vibe rather than the effectual calling of the Holy Spirit in glorious union with Christ.

These churches need sound doctrine; these people need pure spiritual milk.

Only a Big-Eva Problem?

But what of the seemingly wise, biblically robust, and technical and theologically precise Reformed community of faith? Is there any temptation to fall prey to the same false milk tendencies? In the pursuit of maturity many (particularly young men) have given way to a peculiar unbalanced genius. It seems many in this camp skipped straight from basic gospel principles to hyper-specialization and as such have left themselves with an insufficient diet. The perceived gains of the carnivore have found a home in reformed circles. John records Christ’s letter to the church of Ephesus in Revelation:

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Revelation 2:2-4

Note that the King of kings is pleased with the diligent work in rightly discerning doctrine and heresy and yet he condemns them for their loss of their first love. While this isn’t an ordo amoris quandary per se, they were guilty of a heightening of zeal in one area at the expense of another. They were eating all the steak with none of the milk to wash it down, thus losing a healthy grounding in New Covenant basics. I have seen this on display in conversations with churchmen who can argue the finer points of natural law vs. presupp, the patristic view of baptism, or a bombastic desecration of the PWC as articulated by pre and post-Reformation thought and yet would fail to deliver a sound Gospel proclamation or muck up sola fide and other basic Christian doctrines. Simply put, some in the Reformed camp have developed white hair wisdom in some areas while remaining infantile in other more primary topics. To be fair, for many this lack of first love may be due to a pietistic overemphasis on gospel-centeredness that fails to engage anything tangible (which is ironic to say the least), and for others this may be an overcorrecting deep dive into the world of based hot takes full of (granted) underlying truth, but perhaps devoid of love and grace.

Don’t Choke on the Solid Foods

A primary goal of Christian life is the pursuit of maturity. Christian maturity should be likened to conformity to Christ (Eph. 2:10/Rom. 8:29) and a growing holiness as a result of putting on the new man (Col. 3:10) and bearing the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).

We see this growing in doctrine and practice compared to eating meat as a grown man as opposed to consuming milk like a baby. We should strive to be digesting the heavier things of Scripture as opposed to that which goes down easily and without need to be chewed upon.

What is interesting is the contrasting imagery of milk in the Bible. We see milk being stated as both a positive but also as a sign of immaturity.

13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Hebrews 5:13-14

This matured discernment is sorely lacking in much of the modern church. One needn’t look far to see examples of arrogance, quarrelsome nitpickers, and fanboy foolishness (even from some genuine grayhairs in the faith).  These sorts are content to feed the next controversy, boost their current hero, and wreck their current foe.

While the people, positions, and concepts they so viciously defend may in fact be correct, or minimally respectable, whatever gains pursued are left out of reach as the rhetoric amps up while the substance remains woefully uncharitable.

I will note that I believe there is a great danger in Christendom of effeminate speech, general fragility, down talking, speech policing and “wounded pride takes” that may indeed require a strong word, a serrated edge, and a piercing bite. You can in fact just say and do things. But one doesn’t arrive with the strength and maturity to deploy such tactics without a proper diet and training.

Finding a Balanced Diet

As such, much as Paul ordered the Corinthians to return to basics on account of their carnal strivings, I see a great need for a return to some raw farm-strength spiritual milk in the reformed church today.

“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby”

1 Peter 2:2

In our efforts to expose false teaching, recover right doctrinal emphasis long lost, and tear down the strongholds of liberalism and idolatry from within and without the church we must not lose sight of that first love that compels us. That love of Christ and his grace, that love of redemption, that love of mercy and justice flowing mingled from Christ to his bride- that love should compel us to pursue with renewed vigor the various battles before us.

We must beware of embracing carnality for the sake of perceived victories. We must fight, we must pursue, but we must do so heeding Paul’s warning to Corinth.

 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

1 Corinthians 3:1-3

Much of the lack of charity in the Reformed world right now could be remedied by a mutual draft from the pure milk of common doctrine and foundations as we pursue wisdom and maturity in sorting out the deeper things of God. So I encourage you to stay clear of seed oil solutions and as you build up your appetite for the rich and meaty doctrines of the Word, make sure to drink deeply of that raw spiritual milk afforded you. Do the reading, starting with the Bible, and grow in discipline, maturity, zeal, self control, and knowledge of the truth. Read thoroughly, read broadly, read charitably, and let us sharpen some iron around the farm table in fellowship over a nice steak and a glass of cold milk.

Bio: Gabriel serves as one of the Pastors of Stone Mountain Baptist Church located in Nampa, Idaho. He is also a recurring co-host and “regular side-kick” to Pastor Danny Steinmeyer on the TruthScript podcast “It’s Time for Truth,” a ministry of Truth family Bible Church in Middleton, Idaho. Gabriel earned his MTS in Historical Theology from Reformed Baptist Seminary. He and his wife, Christa, live in Melba and have five children.


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