Pastor Gabriel


1 John 1-3:13

April 13-20

Palm Sunday, and Resurrection Lord's Day (Easter)

May 4-18

SMBC Distinctives: Congregational/Psalm Singing

may 25-August 17

1 John 3:14-5:21

August 24-31

2nd and 3rd John

september 7

Pastor Gabe at Truth Family Bible

September 14-October 12


October 19-november 9

SMBC Distinctives: Baptist: Baptism and Covenant Theology

November 16-23


November 30-December 21

On the Incarnation: A Doctrine of Flesh and Blood

Pastor Luke

January 5

1 Peter 5:10-11  Benediction for a New Year

February 23

Galatians 5: The Fruit of the Spirit- Peace

April 27

SMBC Distinctives: Congregational/Psalm Singing

June 22

Galatians 5: The Fruit of the Spirit- Longsuffering

July 27

Galatians 5: The Fruit of the Spirit- Gentleness

September 7

Galatians 5: The Fruit of the Spirit- Goodness

october 26

SMBC Distinctives: Baptist: Baptism and Covenant Theology

December 24

Christmas Eve Exhortation: Christ the Light of the  World

December 28

Galatians 5: The Fruit of the Spirit- Faith

Tentative Sermon Schedule for 2025